
The First Day of School

Well, it's that time of year again!  I've decided, inspired by Pinterest that I WILL blog!  :0)  What better way to start than with the new school year?

So, our poor summer bucket list was a bust.  :0(  For good reason, though!  We are moving.  We have long been in a house WAY too small for our needs.  We will be moving to a much bigger house that will be perfect for us.  It's a fixer upper, and we've been painting and cleaning and sanding and staining and sewing all summer.  We're just about done and ready to move in.  We're looking forward to our annual Labor Day camping trip to have a change to unwind and take a break as a reward for all of our hard work this summer!

We're in 7th, 4th, 3rd, and PK this year.  The kids "rode the bus" to school yesterday!  lol  The transmission went out in my car, so we had to take the bus up to work on the new house, and the kids took their school work with them.  It's been an adventure riding the bus, but the kids have enjoyed it!  I think I'll take some knitting next week.  It's an hour long ride!

I've turned into a HUGE Pinterest junkie.  I've been plotting and planning ideas for the new house and using my family as a taste testing panel.  :0)  Here is the flooring I put in the 1/2 bath downstairs at the new house:

It's from a pin from this page.  I think it looks just like stonework!  I decided not to stain mine, because I tested a patch in the corner where the toilet will be, and I didn't think it added to it, so I just clear coated it.  Mine was a tad darker than theirs anyway, as I used grocery bags instead of contractor's paper.

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